Sorghum - Millet

Common Names: Sorghum, Millet, Broomcorn, Milo,

Botanical names: Sorghum spp

Availability: Late summer and fall

Vase life: Drys well, very long lasting

Storage temperatures: Chill sensitive, should be stored at 55 degrees Fahrenheit

Ethylene Sensitive: No

Description: Plant stems are upright with thick stalks and large, grass-like leaves. Seed heads are found at end of the stalks, somewhat resembling a bushy, seedy cattail. This is a very complex genus considered to by polymorphic (having many forms). Forms range from heavy seeded heads, feathery heads and broom-like heads.

Color: Green turning to reddish brown as the seed heads mature.

Botanical facts: Native to Africa. Common relatives include bamboo, ryegrass, wheat and rice.

Design notes: The tall, upright nature of sorghum stems can be used to create height and structure in floral designs. The seed heads can be used as a filler at the base of large arrangements, adding depth and fullness to an arrangement.

Purchasing hints: Purchase before the plant heads are dried but are well-developed.

Conditioning: Cut stem ends with a sharp knife. Hydrate in a solution of water and commercialfloral food for two hours before storage or usage.

Additional notes: Sorghum, Millet are grown commercially for grain, syrup, and the manufacturing of brushes and brooms.