Pineapple Lily

Common Names: Pineapple Lily, King's Flower, Eucomis

Botanical names: Ecomis spp.

Availability: Summer through Fall

Vase life: Seven to Fourteen days.

Storage temperatures: 34 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit

Ethylene Sensitive: Yes

Description: A tall central spike covered in small, star-shaped flowers that resembles a pineapple. At the top of the flower spike, a tuft of leafy bracts adds to the pineapple-like appearance.

Color: White, pink and purple

Botanical facts: The genus name comes from a Greek word, Eukomos, which means 'Beautifully haired', referring to the tuft of leafy bracts atop the flower spike.

Design notes: The Pineapple Lily's elongated stem adds height to floral design. It works beautifully in line arrangements, helping to create a sense of movement and guiding the viewer's eye through the design. Adding the unusual Pineapple Lily to a floral arrangement adds an element of surprise and elegance.

Purchasing hints: Purchase when just a few of the florets are still in bud stage or just beginning to open. Look for tall straight stems and upright blossoms with out damage.

Conditioning: Hydrate in a solution of water and commercial floral preservative before storage or usage. If the heads droop, recut the stems and treat with Quick Dip.

Additional notes: Pineapple Lily is not a true lily and belongs to the Asparagaceae family, which also includes asparagus.