Palm Foliage
Common Names: Areca Palm, Emerald Palm, Commodore Palm, and Rhapis Palm.
Botanical names: Dypsis lutescens, Chamaedorea elegans, Ptychosperma elegans, Rhapis excelsa
Availability: Year round
Vase life: Several weeks
Storage temperatures: Chill sensitive, store above 55F.
Ethylene Sensitive: Yes
Description: Palm foliage is very popular among floral designers because of the wide range of interesting shapes, sizes, and textures. Palm foliage is hardy and long lasting. The foliage is characterized by large, fan-shaped or feather-like leaves. There are many varieties of palm foliage, each with their own characteristics. The most common palm foliages used in floral design are; Areca Palm, Emerald Palm, Commodore palm, and Rhapis Palm.
Color: Shades of green
Botanical facts: Palm foliage comes in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and textures. Some palms have large, fan-shaped leaves, while others have feather-like or pinnate foliage. The texture of palm leaves can range from soft and feathery to stiff and leathery.
Design notes: Palm fronds can be used as vertical accents in taller arrangements, providing height and structure. Many designers use sword fern to frame funeral sprays.
Purchasing hints: Select fronds that are of perfect green color, without yellowing, blemishes or damage.
Conditioning: Cut two inches off of the stem ends with a sharp knife. Hydrate in water only for two hours before storage or usage. Store in water only.
Additional notes: Palm fronds are often sturdy and flexible, designed to withstand wind and other environmental factors. They can provide shade and shelter for various creatures, and in some cultures, they're used for thatching roofs, weaving baskets, or creating decorative elements.