Fall Flower Arrangement

Fall provides the florist with an abundance of color and texture, with colorful leaves and so many flowers still blooming. In this Flower School How-To Video Leanne creates a stunning and sophisticated arrangement in muted tones of copper, gold, and rust. Featuring one dozen Caramello roses in a glowing golden urn combined with hanging amaranthus, Italian ruscus, fatsia, sorghum and bittersweet for a touch of brightness from berries, it's a Fall feast for the eyes. Enjoy!

Video Transcription

Fall is a favorite season for the florist. So many wonderful materials. An abundance of autumn colors in an elevated urn, super fabulous. Let me show you how it's done.

The vessel, a favorite urn filled with fresh water, premixed with flower food. No foam, no wire, just water and flower food. For the mechanics, I'll be creating an armature using the bittersweet, perfect for the season.

Bittersweet is so wonderful. It was a wild weed, and now they're starting to cultivate it to be used commercially, and you can see it just settles in, but it's so long, I'm going to bring it around and just lash it back, tying it to itself, determining where I want it, maybe right there. Then taking a bit of bind wire, flipping it off, and then securing it together.

Once you have the base set, you can go back and add additional pieces, just giving it a cut and feeding it into the armature that you've already established. Then enhance that with a bit of foliage, maybe some Italian ruscus, breaking it down a bit, letting it extend, feeding through, and then a bit of the fatsia leaves to give a nice base and then repeat with just a bit to make sure you have a solid foundation for your flowers.

The Caramella rose, it's a new favorite of mine. It opens so big and full. Tucking some down low, creating a strong emphasis area for the arrangement, feeding it right down into the weave, and then others, leaving them taller so it pulls the eye upward and fill in with roses, following the format you've established with the bittersweet.

To enhance, adding a bit of texture, some sorghum coming up through the center, adding a little bit of height and movement, and then enhancing the downward movement with a bit of amaranthus. I remove the leaves, they don't hold as well as the flower does, so just pulling it off and let it come down through the front. Finding the perfect hole to let it extend.

The recipe, it's a classic dozen roses. Yes, there's 12 of the Caramella roses. The base was half a bunch of bittersweet that I wound into an armature. Then to support it, two stems of the Italian Ruscus, three stems of the fatsia, four amaranthus and three sorghum, and you can see it's far more than a dozen roses.

The complex hues available in roses today are perfect for the autumn season. You'll find more creative inspiration on the website, Flower School .com. If you have questions, you can reach us through there, but now it's your turn. Find your most favorite autumn roses. Gather some treasures to coordinate and create. Take a picture, post it on social media and hashtag Floral Design Institute. That way we all can see what you do as you do something you love.

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